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Lead Poisoning

Knowledge Based Survey

Please take our Lead poisoning prevention survey to gain and test your knowledge on Lead Poisoning Prevention.  Please see the answers below and share your knowledge about lead in our community with your family and friends especially those with children under 6 years old. If you would like to get a home visual inspection for lead, please give our office a call and we will send one of our inspectors to your home.

1. ___________________ is the number one environmental illness of children, is caused primarily by lead-based paint in older homes.

2. The most common exposure to lead by children is through the ingestion of _____________________ and contaminated dust from deteriorated or disturbed lead-based paint in homes built before 1978.

3. About 75 percent of Illinois homes built before ______ contain some lead-based paint. Other exposures may be from imported goods or food containing lead.

4. Even low levels of lead in ______have been shown to affect IQ, ability to pay attention and academic achievement.

5. __________ Children in Chicago are diagnosed with lead poisoning every year.

6. Childhood lead poisoning is a serious but __________ health condition.

7. Because lead exposure often occurs with no obvious symptoms, it frequently goes unrecognized.  Parents are encouraged to have their child screen_______.  

8. CDPH and Imagine Englewood if… provide lead-poison prevention education to families inspects and works to abate the lead _______in the homes in Chicago.

  Answers Key :  

  1. Lead poisoning

  2. Paint chips

  3. 1978

  4. Blood

  5. 1,000

  6. Preventable

  7. Regularly

  8. Hazards

If you would like to get a home visual inspection for lead, please give our office a call and we will send one of our inspectors to your home.***

***If you would like to download this Lead poisoning survey to also share with your community and with your family and friends, especially those with children under 6 years old. Please click the button below.***



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